Harwood Heights Glass

The vast number of modern Harwood Heights Glass products available makes our window repair and replacement services easy and affordable. In addition, customers receive no-hassle window warranty services upon installation of a home window, whether through our own new home n-house warranty or through our fleet of glass units in an authorized repair shop. With dozens of different services for your home window, our on-site factory-trained technicians will be able to fit your new window package to fit your needs. Our technical glass technicians will be more than happy to take the time to address your questions and concerns about window and glass repair and replacement.


Harwood Heights Glass Company

Before we can bring our business to you, we must first make sure we have the proper equipment to perform our work. In order to do this, we need to have a secure workshop or office in which we can conduct all the repairs. We can maintain your glass with good surface finish to ensure a longer life span of your windows and greater asset value. Our experienced technicians will work with you to achieve excellent and comprehensive results. We ensure proper quality control with stringent quality control standards that are being maintained at every stage of the process. We offer customers the latest glass replacement options from top brands, and offer repair and replacement services from 1-7 days plus scheduled appointments. Take advantage of our all around services and choose our State-of-the-Art Facility to give your home a new sparkling glass touch.

Every effort has been made to ensure all original materials are available for replacement/repair. However, we are also aware of many factors that can cause an unexpected disruption to the normal repair process. In the event of an unforeseen incident, please be aware of such things as oil heat damage, common hydrocarbon stains, building materials used in construction and proper laboratory selection. Our recommended products are made to last for a long time, are chipped and tempered so that they are durable, resist scratches, UV damage, abrasion and damage from water and wind. When your glass is looking rough, our technicians will fix it.


harwood heights glass

If you need your window fixed, our technicians will work on your area of concern in the most organized way, making every effort to avoid inefficiency and waste. We only accept primary priority cases and they can be solved in a few days. Most of our window replacements are done in under a day, and a very small amount may need to be tempered. We pride ourselves on the speed of service. Our goal is to create a positive experience for both the client and the glass shop owner, and our commitment to client satisfaction is unmatched. We specialize in replacement windows as well as repairs, cleanings, and other comprehensive window services. Learn more about us. Our Harwood Heights Glass is a perfect mix of function and style. As a “right of return” service we will gladly exchange your door glass to give you that fresh and new look for a fraction of the original cost. Restored windows from your most recent windows service are a great way to freshen up the interior. You will never have to wait for your new windows to arrive or pay retail! We offer time-tested customer service and excellent workmanship to those who are willing to replace your failed window for a fraction of the cost.

Get a Glass Quote Now

Larger residential window repair or replacement is our specialty. For clients needing home window replacement of all windows, we can give you a quote, including the roof deck and any upgrades such as electric system, hardwired speakers and community lawns. We provide a guarantee for our work, including no warranties and payment in full when finished. Our window glass work is frequently requested by homeowners across Illinois. These glass professionals use best-in-class materials, including Soda-Lime enamel and Granite Photon Coating, to deliver the most beautiful glass of any local company. Our service is available in as soon as 15 minutes, using high-quality carbon brushes, and can include rewiring or replacement of damaged glass, as well as reconditioning and new install of new double pane window frame/covering. You can count on us to take care of all your windows, and keep them looking like new, year after year.

If you need windows replaced or repaired, our window glass technician will diagnose the problem and order the parts you need for the replacement. We can even give you tips and suggestions to help you get the window you deserve. We understand that window and door replacements are extremely time-consuming, and that customers care about the results. We can offer a free estimate and provide quality replacements if you’ve broken glass and are thinking about giving your home window a professional upgrade. Glass is responsible for more than 70 percent of air leaks in homes. Whether it’s a lost pane of glass, a cracked corner or a broken pane of glass, a glass removal professional can fix it to ensure that your home’s air supply is maintained. In our Illinois location, we are proud to make simple, accessible repair options available for you. We offer repair services at competitive prices and handle all facets of Harwood Heights Glass. At Home Window Glass, we strive to set the standard for our customer’s services.

  • Chicago Replacement Glass
  • Window Repair
  • Hardware
  • Screens
  • Storm Windows
  • Plexi
  • Tempered
  • Sliding Screen Doors
  • New Custom Glass


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